有理数集 Q 关于普通数的加法和乘法作成的环
【单选题】下面对CPLD和FPGA的描述中,正确的是( )。
CPLD 器件内部为 SRAM 工艺,断电后编程信息立即丢失。
FPGA 器件为 EEPROM 或 FLAsH 工艺,被编程后断电非易失。
CPLD 器件为分段式互连结构 ,内部延时与器件结构和逻辑连接等有关,因此传输时延不可预测
CPLD 器件为连续式互连结构 ,内部各模块之 间具有固定时延的快速互连通道,可预测延时
【简答题】完形填空。 'Hey, Dad, are you going to come to my award ceremony tonight?' I 1 asked my father. 'I have to work late tonight. I doubt whether I'll be able to 2 it on time. I am just too busy right now,' he...
【简答题】A man was coming home late one night—about threeo&39;clock in the morning—when he saw a guy standing in front of a house with ahorse. The man with the horse stopped him and said,(46) "Well, what would...
【判断题】互连结构为 FPGA 中 逻辑模块 之间、 逻辑模块与I/O模块 之间提供可编程的信号通路。