【单选题】____no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has already been solved.
【单选题】_______for us to discuss the problem again.It has already been settled. [ ]
【简答题】三叉神经痛者首选的是()|推荐反复性偏头痛者服用的是()|推荐长期精神紧张、紧张性头痛者应用的是()A. 布洛芬B. 谷维素C. 地西泮D. 卡马西平E. 麦角胺咖啡因片
【单选题】It has already been ( ). 这道菜已经卖完了。
【单选题】___ no need for us to discuss the problem again. It has already been settled.
【单选题】()no need for everyone to do the problem again because it has already been solved.