【单选题】华裔科学家李政道和杨振宇因为发表()的研究成果而共同分享1957年的诺贝尔物理学奖。 ( )
【多选题】中华民族重精神的优秀传统体现在( )。
【判断题】The second step of baby-sitting service is that the room attendant introduces the qualifications of the babysitters and charge standard of baby-sitting service gently.
【判断题】The first step of baby-sitting service is that the guest asks if the hotel has baby-sitting service and the room attendant responds to the guests warmly.
【简答题】Baby service will be offered upon your (请求). ( )
【单选题】从茶叶中提取咖啡因,通常是用适当的溶剂在( )中连续抽提,浓缩得粗咖啡因。