【简答题】This has been a really fruitful week and we have dealt with several projects successfully.
【简答题】写出 deal with 在下列各句中的意思: Proper amounts of exercise will help you deal with all kinds of pressure. __________ His new book deals with environmental issues ...
【单选题】In the sentence “We have dealt with you for 10 years in this line.”, “dealt with” means ___________.
【单选题】We have dealt with a large part of the problems, and the rest ________ by you.
【简答题】患者女性,28岁。初孕妇,妊娠36周,2天来阴道持续流液,阴道检查触不到前羊水囊,液体不断从宫口流出,临床诊断为胎膜早破。该患者不可能出现的并发症是A、胎儿窘迫 B、早产 C、流产 D、宫腔感染 E、脐带脱垂 不能预防该患者胎膜早破发生的是A、妊娠最后2个月禁止性生活 B、加强产前检查 C、孕期活动适度 D、及时纠正异常胎位 E、胎位异常时应休息,并给予灌肠