【单选题】I believe there must be a _______ explanation for these strange happenings, which has made us restless all these days.
【简答题】Before each text our teacher will have a detailed explanation, which will _______________ (使文章易于学生理解).
【简答题】2005年6月30日,A公司从新业银行取得年利率 7%、3年期限的贷款2000万元。现因A公司财务困难,于2006年6月30日进行债务重组,新业银行同意延长到期日至2009年12月31日,利率降到4%,免除积欠利息490万元,本金减至l800万元,但附有两个条件,债务重组后,如A公司自第二年起有盈利,则利率回复至7%,若无盈利,仍维持5%的利率。若至还款日A公司仍无偿还贷款本金的能力,则A公司需以...
【单选题】The author implies that which of the following is the type of scientific explanation most likely used by a molecular biologist?
【单选题】Which is NOT the English explanation of "contradict"?
to say or do something which makes others feel ashamed or stupid
【单选题】某公司提取盈余公积30万元,以资本公积5万元、盈余公积10万元转增资本,该公司所有者权益增加额为( )万元?
【多选题】以下诗句中写女性眼眸之美的是( )。
【单选题】The author implies that which of the following is the type of scientific explanation most likely used by a molecular biologist?
【简答题】在下列哪些选项中,时间、地点或方法是犯罪构成客观方面的必要因素?( )