【单选题】with this abundance came an increasing tendency to (discard) and replace products after their initial use, rather than to reuse or recycle them.
【单选题】With this abundance came an increasing tendency to discard and replace products after their initial use, rather than to reuse or recycle them.
【单选题】With this abundance came an increasing tendency to discard and replace products after their initial use, rather than to reuse or recycle them.
【多选题】全面质量管理在现代企业管理中越来越受到重视,下列属于全面质量管理所要包含的要素有( )。
【单选题】对全面质量管理理解错误的是( )。
全面质量管理的核心内涵体现在 ' 质量 ' 两个字上