【单选题】已知全集U=R,A?U,B?U,如果命题P: 2 ∈A∪B ,则命题非P是( )
【单选题】在Photoshop CS6中根据功能的不同,共分( )个控制面板,在“窗口”菜单中可以选择并进行编辑。
【单选题】Photoshop CS6中文版控制面板:在Photoshop CS6中课通过“”菜单对不同的控制面板选择并进行编辑( )。
【简答题】5 Complete the text. My
cousin has just written a reference book. He’s not ► well known, but he’s
a good (1) a ____. His book might attract a lot of (2) a ____ because it’s
called ‘How to make a l...
【简答题】婴儿辅食添加的原则应遵循( )、( )、( )、( )、( )的原则。
【简答题】It’s often true that jobs for students sometimes lead to employment after graduation, so it’s a good idea to think carefully before you begin working during your college years. During my entire colleg...
【简答题】Good points: It’s beautiful. Racers go through Patagonia. This place is famous for its (1) ____. The race is also really (2) ____. Bad points: It’s really (3) ____. Some say this is the world’s (4) __...
【简答题】(1)当a=0时,求 (C U A)B; (2)若(C U A)B恰有2个元素,求a的取值范围