【简答题】Remplacez chose, quelque chose par un mot plus précis : 1) Je ne peux pas y aller, j’ai quelque chose à réviser. 2) Il veut nous annoncer une chose bien triste. 3) La promenade est pour les personnes ...
【单选题】学前儿童先会走、跑,后会灵活地使用剪刀,这说明儿童动作发展具有( )
【单选题】听力原文:W: What do you think of me becoming Mrs. Smith's research assistant? I was offered a job. M: From what I know, many chemistry students would die for the opportunity. Q: What do we learn from the ...
Mrs. Smith is a strict one that can work you to death.
The position of research assistant is popular among chemistry students.
No one likes to get this opportunity except her.
The man suggests her to change her mind.
【简答题】A B/L which is preprinted "shipped on board" and cargo is shipped in container shows as follows: Pre-carriage by Place of Receipt Vessel A Kara...
【单选题】江苏省第十三次党代会报告指出,高水平全面建成小康社会,最直接、最根本的是( )。
【多选题】我国内河航道网布局的“两横一纵两网十八线”中的两横是指( )
【单选题】墙或柱埋在土层内的扩大结构, 将建筑的自重和外界荷载传递至土层,该土层称为