【简答题】给定一含独立源的二端网络,其负载电阻可获得最大功率的条件为( ),获得最大功率为( )。A. B. C. D.
【单选题】患儿女孩,10 岁,水肿2 天伴少尿、血尿,发病前2周有呼吸道感染史。查体见: 眼睑及颜“面水肿,BP 18/13kPa,尿检查红细胞满视野,白细胞2 个/HP,尿PRO+,血ASO增高,首先应考虑的诊断是
【判断题】Linguistic context is more important than nonlinguistic context.
【单选题】( ) are assumed to be represented in our minds in some nonlinguistic form.
【判断题】Body language and eye contact are called nonlinguistic techniques.
【判断题】Body language and eye contact are called nonlinguistic techniques.
【判断题】Nonlinguistic techniques mean body language and eye contact.