【单选题】男,32岁,腰背痛1年,双下肢无力2个月。行脊髓腔碘油造影显示,造影剂在肿瘤下端造影显示,造影剂在肿瘤下端梗阻,梗阻面造影剂呈“杯口状”充盈缺损,肿瘤影偏一侧,脊髓影被肿瘤推向对侧。该处常见肿瘤是( )
【单选题】Medical research has shown that the widespread of use of cigarettes contributes ______the increase of cancers.
【单选题】Play Play is the principal business of childhood, and in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being. From earliest infancy, every child needs oppo...
he should be allowed to choose his own toys.
he should be given identical toys.
he should be given different toys.
he should be given fewer and fewer toys.
【单选题】男, 32 岁,腰背痛 1 年,双下肢无力 2 个月。行脊髓腔碘油造影显示,造影剂在肿瘤下端造影显示,造影剂在肿瘤下端梗阻,梗阻面造影剂呈 " 杯口状 " 充盈缺损,肿瘤影偏一侧,脊髓影被肿瘤推向对侧。根据上述资料该处常见肿瘤是: