完形填空天天练 3 Stretton was working as a salesgirl for a 1 company. But she was always dreaming of becoming her own boss. When the opportunity arose, Stretton 2 her own clothing business on her family’s farm on New Zealand’s North Island. Soon she started getting 3 - her first for 20, 000 dresses. “It was a 4 task for one woman sitting on a farm,” says Stretton. “ But I never doubt I could do it.” By the end of its first year of trading, Stretton Clothing Company had turned over $817,000. She worked hard, selecting materials and visiting customers. To 5 her business, she broadened her product line and opened boutiques( 精品店 ) in 6 areas, offering local people services they could get in cities. Within two years, she opened seven 7 in New Zealand. Today, her company 8 to 110 boutiques globally. As her business 9 , so did Stretton’s influence on the public. She 10 writing a monthly column in Her Business magazine. One day Stretton was told the future of the magazine was 11 , she immediately decided to buy it. Her publishing company now produces three 12 . Today, the mother of two is heavily involved in 13 and she teaches women how to succeed in 14 . Stretton says, “If you 15 what you are doing, get out and find something you do!” 1 .A. clothing B. farming C. building D. publishing 2 . A. abandoned B. took over C. expanded D. set up 3 . A. suggestions B. orders C. invitations D. services 4 . A. tough B. pleasant C. common D. vital 5 . A. connect B. advertise C. control D. strengthen 6 . A. entire B. rural C. crowded D. secure 7 . A. stores B. hospitals C. libraries D. agencies 8 . A. devotes B. responds C. exports D. returns 9 . A. grew B. changed C. decreased D. remained 10 . A. considered B. admitted C. started D. stopped 11 . A. uncertain B. unfinished C. unusual D. unbelievable 12 . A. surveys B. interviews C. magazines D. fiction 13 . A. religion B. charity C. medicine D. agriculture 14 . A. family B. research C. education D. business 15 . A. value B. dislike C. follow D. prefer
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