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【简答题】B London: It's well known that Charles Darwin's famous theory of evolution (进化) annoyed many people because it was against the Biblical view of creation. But few know that it also created problems for...
【简答题】prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" 按照所用材料的不同,建筑结构分为哪几类,各有什么特点? ?xml:namespace>
【简答题】Ex. Fill in the blanks with the words and the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. absence accumulate declare forbid mourn be blessed with ...
【简答题】阅读理解. Since the beginning of human evolution(进化), men have migrated(迁移)across continents in search of food, shelter, safety, and comfortable weather. People still move for these reasons, but new reaso...
【单选题】When Charles Darwin explained evolution (进化), the process he saw was natural selection (选择). It turns out human selection can also cause plants to evolve. Take the case of the snow lot us, a rare (稀小的...
Research done by Darwin.
Seeds of Saussures Laniceps by natual selection.
The picking of Saussures Laniceps by tourists.
The Saussures Laniceps used in traditional Chinese medicine.
【单选题】When Charles Darwin explained evolution (进化) , the process he saw was natural selection (选择) . It turns out human selection can also cause plants to evolve. Take the case of the snow lotus, a rare(稀少的...
type of snow lotus called Saussurea laniceps is used in Tibetan and Chinese medicine and is increasingly demanded by tourists. The largest plants are picked, and that occurs during their only flowering period. The result is that only smaller, unpicked plants go to seed. Selection caused by humans is a powerful force, according to some scientists. They studied the plants picked over time and also compared the snow lotuses growing in heavily harvested areas with those found in places where peo-ple rarely picked them. They reported in an article that the heavily harvested snow lotuses have been getting shorter o-ver the last century, while those in areas not picked have remained the same. They found that in the heavily harvested areas, where only the smaller plants got to reproduce, the average height was 5.3 inches. The same plants in rarely harvested areas averaged 9 inches in height. And they noted that another type of snow lotuses which is not often picked, has not been changing. 69. What does the word ' that' ( line 3, para. 3) refer to? [ A] Research done by Darwin. [
] Seeds of Saussurea laniceps by natural selection. [ C] The picking of Saussurea laniceps by tourists. [ D ] The Saussurea laniceps used in traditional Chinese medicine.
【简答题】Certain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them cope with their environment better than others of their kind. This natural biological process is called adaptation. Among the superior...
【简答题】The evolution(进化) of the plan ________ several stages over a period of a hundred years.
【简答题】Certain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them cope with their environment better than others of their kind. This natural biological process is called adaptation. Among the superior...
【单选题】When Charles Darwin explained evolution (进化) , the process he saw was natural selection (选择) . It turns out human selection can also cause plants to evolve. Take the case of the snow lotus, a rare(稀少的...
type of snow lotus called Saussurea laniceps is used in Tibetan and Chinese medicine and is increasingly demanded by tourists. The largest plants are picked, and that occurs during their only flowering period. The result is that only smaller, unpicked plants go to seed. Selection caused by humans is a powerful force, according to some scientists. They studied the plants picked over time and also compared the snow lotuses growing in heavily harvested areas with those found in places where peo-ple rarely picked them. They reported in an article that the heavily harvested snow lotuses have been getting shorter o-ver the last century, while those in areas not picked have remained the same. They found that in the heavily harvested areas, where only the smaller plants got to reproduce, the average height was 5.3 inches. The same plants in rarely harvested areas averaged 9 inches in height. And they noted that another type of snow lotuses which is not often picked, has not been changing. 69. What does the word ' that' ( line 3, para. 3) refer to? [ A] Research done by Darwin. [
] Seeds of Saussurea laniceps by natural selection. [ C] The picking of Saussurea laniceps by tourists. [ D ] The Saussurea laniceps used in traditional Chinese medicine.