【单选题】Old Richard, ill so long, is losing his memory and needs to be attended to.
【单选题】_____still needs to be discussed.
How is the plan to be carried out
How the plan is to be carried out
Why is the plan carried out
Why the plan carried out
【判断题】在产品刚投入市场或面对新开发的市场,最重要的就是推销产品的使用价值。( )
【简答题】以下五个众筹项目分别属于哪一类众筹?为什么? 项目A:某小微企业主通过“新新贷”平台成功申请到了20万元无抵押信用借款,解决了流动资金周转问题。 项目B:2013年快乐男声主题电影,65天成功筹资500万元,涉及2万9千人,平均每人170元,回报是电影票和首映礼入场券。 项目C:3M咖啡向社会公众进行资金募集,每个人10股,每股6000元,相当于1个人6万元,但不是所有人都可以成为3M的股东,股东...
【单选题】To be successful, a business needs to be aware of its ______ and weakness as compared with its opponents.
【判断题】The stronger a thesis, the weaker a proposition needs to be to refuste it; and the weaker a thesis, the stronger a proposition needs to be to refute it.
【单选题】下列关于操作查询的描述中哪个是正确的( )。