【单选题】In September 1944 he was able to return to his academic duties, but soon after the war ended he _______ a serious illness and did relatively little research thereafter (从那以后).
【单选题】In September1944 he was able to return to his academic duties ,but soon after the war ended he ____ a serious illness and did relatively little research thereafter(从那以后).
【单选题】某些时尚博主拥有上百万粉丝,具有强大的影响力,属于消费者购买行为影响因素的是哪种( )
【判断题】常见的浮子的结构有 鼓型浮子 、 圆形浮子、 铰链鼓式浮子、 圆柱形浮子。
【简答题】In September 1944 he was able to return to his academic duties, but soon after the war ended he was stricken ____ a serious illness and did relatively little research thereafter ( 从那以后 ).
【单选题】根据下列材料,请回答下列各题: 女,39岁。突发右七腹阵发性绞痛,夜间发作。伴右肩部不适、恶心、呕吐,发热38.3℃。诊断胆囊结石3年,曾有类似发作2次。查体:右上腹肌紧张,有压痛和轻度反跳痛,Murphy征(+)。 可用于鉴别诊断的首选检查方法是