【判断题】在售价金额核算法下,连锁企业平时采用综合差价率计算法或分类价差率计算法计算的销售商品应分推的进销差价,可能与己销商品应分摊的实际进销有一定差距。所以,为了真实反映库存商品和销售商品的进销差价,年终应采用盘点商品实际进销差价计算法对商品的进销差价进行一次核实调整。( )
【简答题】某商场采用售价金额核算法核算库存商品。 2018 年 3 月 1 日,该商场库存商品的进价成本总额为 200 万元,售价总额为 250 万元;本月购入商品的进价成本总额为 600 万元,售价总额为 750 万元;本月实现的销售收入总额为 700 万元。不考虑其他因素, 商品进销差价率为(),已销商品应分摊的商品进销差价为()万元,本期销售商品的实际成本为()万元, 2018 年 3 月 31 日该...
【单选题】Which satatement is not correct about the Imperial Examination?
The Imperial Examination lasted more than 1300 years from the Tang Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty.
The examinations consisted of a battery of tests administered at the district, provincial, and imperial levels.
The examination system served to maintain cultural unity and consensus on basic values.
The Imperial Examination was an examination system in Imperial China designed to select talented people for future positions in civil service.
【单选题】Which of the following is NOT true about imperial examination?
Imperial examination was put into practice in the Tang Dynasty.
In the Song Dynasty, the names of the candidates could be seen on the exam paper.
The Imperial Examination System was gradually standardized and became perfect during the Ming Dynasty.
In the Tang Dynasty, candidates were required to write merely 'Eight-Part' essays.