截面不小于25mm 2 的多股软铜线
截面不小于1.5mm 2 的铜芯绝缘导线
截面不小于6mm 2 的铜芯线
【单选题】Stevenson’s study in this article (Text A, Unit 2) suggests a critical answer.
【简答题】阅读以下说明,回答问题1至问题6,将解答填入答题纸对应的解答栏内。 【说明】 某公司总部服务器1的操作系统为Windows Server 2003,需安装虚拟专用网()服务,通过IntelTlet与子公司实现安全通信,其网络拓扑结构和相关参数如图所示。 在Windows Server 2003的“路由和远程访问”中提供两种隧道协议来实现服务:(1)和L2TP,L2TP协议将数据封装在(...
【单选题】&8226;Read this text taken from an article about the importance to companies of not losing their employees' knowledge. &8226;Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. &...
Organisations that reward people for sharing knowledge will know who falls into each of these two opposing categories.
This approach enables them to identify those with a limited number of network relationships.
Launching a knowledge-sharing initiative at a time when people are expecting redundancies would not be a good idea.
This provides evidence of the risk that such a policy will meet resistance. Because of the difficulty of achieving this, it is far better not to lose the valuable sources of knowledge at all. But a 'knowledge mapping' exercise might reveal that they play a critical role as mentors to the rest of the team. G. The price may be an increase in their redundancy package, provision of career counselling, or an agreement to hire them back as consultants. H. When companies feel they're in a crisis, it is one of the things that goes by the board. (9)
【单选题】?Read this text taken from an article about the difference between internalization and globalization. ?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. ?For each gap 9—14, mark one letter (A—H) on y...
In some sectors, successful competition necessitates a presence in almost every part of the world in order to effectively compete in its global market.
Finally, global organizations are able to integrate and coordinate their international activities between countries.
Finally, global organizations can cooperate with each other very well and can exchange their information in time.
They have learned to effectively manage and control the various parts of the business cross national borders and despite local area.
A large multinational company is not necessarily a global business.
The term international describes any business that carries out some of its activities across national boundaries.
Some businesses are entirely domestically based, others operate in many countries and yet others in almost all the regions of the world. (9)
【简答题】阅读以下应用L2TPv2协议实现安全接入的技术说明,根据要求回答问题1至问题5。 【说明】 某企业应用L2TPv2协议部署企业的虚拟专用网(),以方便企业的VIP用户及出差员工通过公共Internet安全地访问企业内部LAN资源,其网络拓扑结构如图8-16所示。该网络结构中,远程客户将访问唯一的节点,即安全远程访问服务器(SRAS),该节点既是NAS服务的PPP终端,也是进入企业...
【单选题】?Read this text taken from an article about Marketing Communications. ?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. ?For each gap 9—14, mark one letter (A—H) on your Answer Sheet. ?Do not use an...
The choice is seemingly endless, with a typical superstore stocking between 20,000 and 25,000 different lines totaling between two and four million products per store.
In the spring of 1999,both companies announced heavy falls in profit largely due to their inability to listen to and respond to the customer.
Consumers also dislike the synthesized voice which asks you to press certain numbers on the keypad, depending on the service required.
Although there will always be a place and function for marketing, it is unclear whether the traditional product or brand manager will still have a job in the twenty-first century, having been replaced by customer relations managers on the end of a telephone.
In Russia, if there is a queue, you are advised to join as it means a manufacturer has actually produced something, regardless of whether there is a specific need.
Some companies now have customer call centers which are set up with the sole objective of handling complaint, Inquiries and after sales service.
It is estimated that winning over a new customer can cost up to five times as much as keeping a customer, so a new definition of marketing has evolved which is identifying, attracting and retaining the most valuable customers to sustain profitable growth.
Although the two are different, companies spend billions of pounds on market research with a view to targeting the potential customer in a more precise way. (9)
【单选题】?Read this text taken from an article about accounting. ?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. ?For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. ?Do not use any letter mor...
These ratios provide a picture of the firm's profitability, its short-term financial position, its activity in the area of accounts receivable and inventory, and its long-term debt financing.
Similarly, current liabilities are those that are to be repaid in one year or less, and long-term liabilities are debts that will not be repaid for at least one year.
Double-entry bookkeeping ensures that the balance shown by the equation is maintained.
This statement must demonstrate that the equation is in balance.
Accounting information is used primarily by management, but it is also demanded by creditors, suppliers, stockholders, and government agencies.
Once statements are prepared, the books are closed.
Bookkeeping is essentially record-keeping which is part of the overall accounting process. (9)
【单选题】&8226;Read this text taken from an article on theories of management, &8226;Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. &8226;For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on ...
They therefore end up developing generalised solutions which are offered to clients regardless of an organisation's specific problems.
There are many firms of consultants offering help to companies.
No manager in their right mind would want to work with an angry, cynical or alienated workforce.
Just because a course of action has succeeded in one context, it does not mean it will be right in other circumstances.
From 'mission statements' to 're-engineering' she shows how one theory has replaced another in quick succession.
But in doing so, they often fail to address the real issues.
They fail to tackle the central management task, which is diagnosis.
They therefore no longer have the courage or the ability to take responsibility for their decisions. (9)
【多选题】下列关于短期借款的表述中正确的有( )
短期借款利息如果是按月支付的 ,并且数额不大 ,可以不采用预提方式
预提短期借款利息时, 借记财务费用 ,贷记短期借款
预提短期借款利息时 ,借记财务费用,贷记应付利息
短期借款是向银行或其他金融机构等借入的期限在一年以下 (含一年)的各种款项
【单选题】?Read this text taken from an article about Personnel Management. ?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. ?For each gap 9—14, mark one letter (A—H) on your Answer Sheet. ?Do not use any le...
It is through people that organizations accomplish their goals~ thus the management of people is a vital aspect of an organization's functioning.
Later there was a move towards a welfare oriented personnel function such as benefits and health.
This broad view focuses attention on three distinct but interrelated topics. Thus personnel management may now be involved in certain community activities, in equal opportunity employment in developing policies, for example, in employing racial minorities of physically handicapped people and in seeking to provide and maintain a climate in which individual and organization goals are achieved. E Line managers of other departments e.g. marketing and production of various departments of sections in the public service and public agencies e.g. Telecom all have personnel/human resource management duties. F Personnel managers didn't see a need to make sure that their employees were comfortable in the work environment and ensure all their needs were being met. G
【单选题】?Read this text taken from an article about Marketing Communications. ?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. ?For each gap 9—14, mark one letter (A—H) on your Answer Sheet. ?Do not use an...
The choice is seemingly endless, with a typical superstore stocking between 20,000 and 25,000 different lines totaling between two and four million products per store.
In the spring of 1999,both companies announced heavy falls in profit largely due to their inability to listen to and respond to the customer.
Consumers also dislike the synthesized voice which asks you to press certain numbers on the keypad, depending on the service required.
Although there will always be a place and function for marketing, it is unclear whether the traditional product or brand manager will still have a job in the twenty-first century, having been replaced by customer relations managers on the end of a telephone.
In Russia, if there is a queue, you are advised to join as it means a manufacturer has actually produced something, regardless of whether there is a specific need.
Some companies now have customer call centers which are set up with the sole objective of handling complaint, Inquiries and after sales service.
It is estimated that winning over a new customer can cost up to five times as much as keeping a customer, so a new definition of marketing has evolved which is identifying, attracting and retaining the most valuable customers to sustain profitable growth.
Although the two are different, companies spend billions of pounds on market research with a view to targeting the potential customer in a more precise way. (9)