【单选题】EXERCISE_Finding the Topic Sentence of a Paragraph The following paragraph contains a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph. Choose the sentence that best states the main idea. Any...
Anything can happen at a county agricultural fair.
It is the perfect human occasion, the harvest of the fields and of the emotions.
To the fair come the man and his cow, the boy and his girl, the wife and her green tomato pickles, each anticipating victory and the excitement of being separated from his or her money by familiar devices.
It is at a fair that a man can be drunk forever on liquor, love, or fights; at a fair that your front pocket can be picked by a trotting horse looking for sugar, and your hind pocket by a thief looking for his fortune.
【单选题】Direction: You are required to complete the following sentence by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. In winter, most animals have a hard time anyt...
【单选题】( )年美国数字设备公司研制成功了世界上第一台可编程控制器,并在汽车自动装配线上使用成功。
【单选题】依次填入下面语段中横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。亚洲金融危机的爆发深刻暴露了亚洲各国在协调经济政策、共同______危机方面的苍白无力。一种流行的观点认为,正是由于亚洲各国存在着经济与社会发展方面的差异性、多样性和文化的多元性,缺少一种强有力的______力量,才使亚洲各国在金融危机中吃尽苦头,元气大伤。因此,地区合作和大量的双边援助是十分必要的。