【多选题】The Sustainable Development Goals by UN are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty mu...
1. No poverty 2. Zero hunger 3. Good health & well-being 4. Quality education
5. Gender equality 6. Clear water and sanitation 7. Affordable and clean energy 8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry innovation and infrastructure 10. Reduced inequalities 11. Sustainable cities and communities 12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action 14. Life below water 15. Life on land 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions 17. Partnerships for the goals
【简答题】如上图所示,请将答案填入以下各括号中: 根据符号,此三极管为( )型,当 时, 的值是( )V。 若β=200,当三极管处于饱和工作区时,那么此时 极小,可忽略,因此集电极的最大电流为 ( )mA? 那么使其进入饱和区的最小基极电流为 ( )uA? 当 继续增加时,会将三极管推向更深的饱和区,而 将( )。 在上面的最小基极电流、三极管饱和的情况下,若 ,考虑集-射极压降,那么此时 ( )KΩ...
【单选题】以下程序的运行结果为 ( )。 void sub(int x, int y, int *z) { *z = y – x; } int main(void) { int a,b,c; sub(10, 5, &a) ; sub(7, a, &b) ; sub(a, b, &c) ; cout< b< c< }
【简答题】如图所示,三极管的基极电流增大时,三极管的CE之间等效电阻RCE减小,UcE将减小,输出电压U。将( )。
【单选题】请选出以下程序的输出结果______。void sub(int x,int y,int *z){*z = y–x;}main(){ int a,b,c;sub(10,5,&a); sub(7,a,&b); sub(a,b,&c);printf("%d,%d,%d\n",a,b,c);}