【单选题】The active sentence is given first. Complete the passive sentence with the correct verb to match the same tense as the active sentence. A: Two instructors scored the tests. P: The tests ________ score...
【判断题】假定生产 X 产品使用 A 、 B 两要素,则 A 的价格下降必导致 B 的使用量增加。
【单选题】The active sentence is given first. Complete the passive sentence with the correct verb to match the same tense as the active sentence. A: Two instructors score the tests. P: The tests ________ scored...
【简答题】假定生产X产品使用A、B两种要素,则A的价格下降必导致B的使用量增加。( )
【单选题】The active sentence is given first. Complete the passive sentence with the correct verb to match the same tense as the active sentence. A:Two instructors will score the tests. P:The tests ________ sco...
【单选题】The active sentence is given first. Complete the passive sentence with the correct verb to match the same tense as the active sentence. A: Two instructors have scored the tests. P: The tests ________ ...
【单选题】如果岩浆岩在沉积岩形成之后侵入,则在侵入体接触带上会出现烘烤变质等现象,侵入岩中往往还残留有围岩的捕虏体,有时还被与侵入体共生的岩脉所贯入,这种关系称( )