【判断题】Generally speaking, the place and the manner of articulation are the two common features of any languages except the voicing, which is language specific. For example, voicing is a distinctive feature ...
【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language?
Cultural transmission.
【简答题】Which of the following is the MOST distinctive feature of Mojave shrimps? A) Their lives are brief. B) They feed on plant and animal organisms. C) Their eggs can survive years of drought. D) They lay ...
【单选题】在奔腾机中,与外设进行高速数据传输的系统总线是( )。
【单选题】仔细阅读下面资料,回答以下问题: 恩格尔系数,即食品消费支出在总消费支出中所占的比重。联合国粮农组织依据恩格尔系数,将生活水平划分为如下标准;恩格尔系数在59%以上者为绝对贫困状态的消费;50%—59%为勉强度日状态的消费;40%—50%为小康水平的消费;20%—40%为富裕状态的消费;20%以下为最富裕状态的消费。我国城镇和乡村的恩格尔系数,1980年为56.9%和61.8%;2000年分别为3...
【判断题】Generally speaking, the place and the manner of articulation are the two common features of any languages except the voicing, which is language specific. For example, voicing is a distinctive feature ...
【单选题】理想和现实的统一性表现在( )。
【单选题】无赔款优待制度是什么保险业务中所特有的制度( )
【单选题】下列项目中,属于 “ 资金结存 " 总账户下设置的明细账户的是 ( ) 。
【单选题】理想和现实的统一性表现在( )