【多选题】以下说法正确的是( )
《世说新语》被南朝梁刘孝标的注本为 10 卷,今传本共 3 卷,分为德行、言语、政事、文学、方正、雅量、识鉴、赏誉等 36 篇,共 1000 多则。
作为 “竹林七贤”之一员,刘伶与其他读书人一样,他们不满当时社会虚伪的礼教,不满黑暗腐朽的政治现实,却又无能为力,只好借喝酒麻醉自己,或是隐没在一片竹林里。
王子猷的 “任性”,没有一点矫情与做作的痕迹,全然体现了魏晋名士豪放洒脱的风姿。
《世说新语》的内容多为 “残丛小语”。作者用机智幽默、简洁生动的语言,描绘人物的言语行为,展示他们的心灵世界,对后世小说创作产生了深远的影响。
【简答题】The apples that are uploaded to the ship do not (ripe) ____________.
【单选题】Middle English took shape about a century after the __ Conquest.
【单选题】PowerPoint 2010中,要切换到幻灯片母版中________。
【单选题】Middle English took shape about a century after the —— Conquest.
【简答题】Task 2 Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets. 1.(honest) ___________speaking, your quotation is still on the high side. I'm afraid we can not accept it. 2. Ple...
【单选题】PowerPoint 2010中,要切换到幻灯片母版中___________。
【简答题】Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackeks (honest)______ speaking, your quotation is still on the high side.I'm afraid we not accept. Please reconsider your paymen...
【单选题】有一个名为init.txt的文件,内容如下:(2007.4) #define HDY(A,B) A/B #define PRINT(Y) printf(“y=%d\n.,Y) 有以下程序 #include “init.txt” main() { int a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,k; K=HDY(a+c,b+d); PRINT(K); } 下面针对该程序的叙述正确的是