【简答题】阅读下面程序,则程序的执行结果为 【10】 。 #include 'stdio.h' main() { int a=10 fun(a) printf( '%d\n',a)} fun(int x) { x=50}
【单选题】当输入为'Fool&Swalow'时,下面程序的执行结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> main() {char c while(c!='?') { c=getchar() putchar(C) } }
【单选题】在制作图像时,图层的排列可以影响图像的效果。将图层置为顶层的快捷键是( )
【简答题】a. The president said, "That reporter is lying." b. "The president," said that reporter, "is lying." Question: Who was speaking?
【单选题】What do most Americans expect to see soon on America's political stage? A. More and more women actively engaged in politics. B. A woman in the highest position of government. C.A majority of women vot...