【多选题】下列关于二叉搜索树的说法正确的有Which sentences of the followings are right about binary search tree:
二叉搜索树按照中序遍历将各结点打印出将各结点打印出来,将得到按照由小到大的排列。 If we print a binary search tree's nodes according its infix order, the sequence will be from small to large.
如果结点 χ 的左子树有右子树,则存在某个结点的值介于结点 χ 的值和 χ 左儿子的值之间,并且这个结点在$$x$$的左子树之中。 If the left child tree of a node x has a right child tree, then there exists some node whose value is between the value of node x and the value of its left child node, and this node is on the left child tree of node x.
当根结点没有左儿子时,根结点一定是值最小的结点。If the root node doesn't have left child, it must be the node with the smallest value.
二叉搜索树一定是满二叉树。A binary search tree must be a full binary tree.
二叉搜索树一定是完全二叉树。A binary search tree must be a complete binary tree.
从根结点一直沿右儿子向下找不一定能找到树中值最大的结点。Along the right child of nodes all the time from the root node, it is possible that we couldn't find out the node with the largest value.