【单选题】According to the Incoterms 2010 under CIF i f the goods get loose from the hook and fail into the sea dring the loading stage, ( )should hold liable for the loss.
both the seller and buyer
【单选题】5 岁患儿,出生后数月逐渐出现青紫,活动后发绀加剧,胸骨左缘第3肋间闻III级喷射性收缩期杂音,X线检查心脏稍增大,心尖圆钝上翘,肺动脉段凹陷,上纵隔增宽,肺门血管影缩小,肺野透亮度增加,最大可能是
【判断题】Export License i s the first document a seller has to prepare when he intends to export commodities that are under export control of his country.
【单选题】Under which term, the seller is obliged to cover insurance for the goods in air transportation from the exporting country to the importing country i?
【判断题】Under C.I.F., the seller is obliged to insure the goods against the minimum insurance coverage.