【简答题】某市财政局收到同级国库报来的一般公共预算本级收入-200 000元。其中“税收收入—增值税—企业增值税”520 000元,“税收收入—增值税—出口货物退增值税”-830 000元,“税收收入—企业所得税”760 000元,“税收收入—企业所得税退税“-650 000元。请写出会计分录。
【单选题】_________ the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.
【简答题】请录音上传! 1.我养狗 : 我养一条狗,狗尾拖个斗,走起路来狗关节直发抖。 2.颠倒歌 : 咬牛奶,喝面包,夹着火车上皮包。 东西街,南北走,出门看见人咬狗。 拿起狗来打砖头,又怕砖头咬我手。 3.声韵调发音要领口诀 : 学好声韵辨四声,阴阳上去要分明。 部位方法须找准,开齐合撮属口形。 双唇班报必百波,舌尖当地斗点丁; 舌根高狗坑耕故,舌面积结教坚精; 翘舌主争真志照,平舌资则早在增。 前鼻恩...
【单选题】A difference between a quota and a tariff is that
a tariff generates a higher price than does a quota.
a tariff generates a greater reduction in exports than does a quota.
a quota increases profits of domestic producers more than does a tariff.
the government collects revenue from a tariff but does not collect revenue from a quota.
【单选题】设 是来自总体 的样本,则其含义是( )。
【简答题】按每小题后的要求转换下面的句子。 1. The early flight will take off at 4:20 . (对画线部分提问) ___________________ will the early flight take off? 2. The Grand Canyon is 1. 6 kilometers deep on average. (对画线部分提问) ___________...