Part I Vocabulary and Grammar Directions: In this section, there are several incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A , B , C and D 1. Many parents would a large sum of money for their children's education. A set about B set up C set aside D set back 2. My watch needs , but I don’t have time to go to town to have it . A to repair, repaired B to be repaired, repairing C being repaired, repaired D repairing, repaired 3. His knife wounds being treated, the young man was from the hospital. A discharged B changed C child D charged 4. The next afternoon I went to ________ Miss Barkley again. A call on B call forth C call after D call off 5. When he was in prison he was not allowed to ________ with his family. A commit B communicate C commission D command 6. Bill doesn't ________ what people say about him. A concern B matter C care D disturb 7. You must get the work by the end of this week. Otherwise, you will get punished. A do B to do C done D doing 8. Mary was a kind girl everyone liked her. A so...that B such...that C not...that D much...that 9. My boss told me that a advertisement is very important for our company. A well-planning B well-planned C planned well D planning well 10. She ought to stop working; she has a headache because she for a long time. A has been reading B had read C is reading D read Part II Reading Comprehension Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A , B , C and D .You should decide which is the correct answer. These toes belong to a famous American lady, but she wasn't born in America. The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York Harbor on June 19, 1885, as a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States. Sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi's Liberty Enlightening the World stands 305 feet high and has come to symbolize freedom and democracy nationwide. Miss Liberty is made of copper sheets assembled on a framework of steel supports. In order to transport the statue to America, the figure was disassembled into 350 pieces and packed in 214 crates. Four months later, it was reassembled on Bedloe's Island (renamed Liberty Island in 1956). On October 28, 1886, President Grover Cleveland dedicated the Statue of Liberty before thousands of spectators. But millions more would meet "Lady Liberty" in a different way. The nearby Ellis Island Immigration Station, a major reception point for immigrants entering the United States, opened in 1892. Before the station closed in 1943, the Statue of Liberty welcomed more than 12 million immigrants to America. On its pedestal, words by poet Emma Lazarus reflect the hope for freedom and opportunity shared by the millions who see Miss Liberty after a long ocean journey: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. 11. The Statue of Liberty was given by as a present. A Frence. B Japanese. C Canadian. D Mexican. 12. What is the symbolic meaning of the Statue of Liberty? A It symbolizes the loyalty to the America. B It symbolizes the friendship between France and America. C It symbolizes freedom and democracy. D It symbolizes love and romance. 13. How was the enormous statue transported to America? A Some parts of the Statue were transported by ship, others by plane. B The Statue was broken down into pieces before shipping and then reassembled in America. C The Statue was transported wholly by ship. D President Grover Cleveland sent solider to escorts the Statue to America. 14. What does the word "dedicated" in Para. 2 mean in this passage? A Condemned. B Committed. C Made a speech. D Devoted oneself. 15. Why did the author illustrate those words written by poet Emma Lazarus at the end of the passage? A To illustrate the famous poet Emma Lazarus. B To introduce a poem related to the Statue of Liberty. C To express the immigrants' desire of freedom and democracy. D To highlight the importance of the Statue of Liberty. According to a recent survey released earlier this month, 8 percent of drivers, or 1.2 million people, are using handheld or hands-free cell phones at any given time during daylight hours. That's double the number from just 4 years ago. What does that mean for your safety? More and more studies are telling us that, whether it's handheld or hands-free, cell phone conversations are distracting to drivers. 2,600 deaths and more than 300,000 collisions each year are related to cell phones. Some 40 states are talking about joining New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C. in banning hand-held cell phones in vehicles. Of all the distracting things we do in our cars, cell phones aren't the worst. The most prevalent (普遍) distracting events were conversations, eating and drinking, and dealing with things that had dropped in the car. Researchers have found that dialing takes your eyes off the road and talking on the phone takes your mind out of the car and into the conversation. University of Utah studies show that cell phones, even while using a headset, have a real effect on reaction time. Some even compare it to driving while drunk. If you thought your hands-free cell phone is safer because both hands are free to grip the wheel, think again. Hands-free units can be less safe, because it leads to longer conversations and more mental distraction. 16. Each year, deaths are due to using cell phones while driving. A 1.2 million. B 2,600. C 30,000. D 8,000. 17. How many states in U.S. have already banned hand-held cell phones in vehicles? A 40. B 3. C 26. D 30. 18. In terms of prevalence, is NOT on the list of distracting things we do in our cars. A conversations B eating and drinking C the cell phones D dealing things that drop in the car 19. What do University of Utah studies show about cell phones? A It is the most distracting thing we do in our cars. B Hands-free cell phones are much safer than hand-held phones. C 2,600 deaths each year are related to cell phones. D Cell phones, even while using a headset, have a real effect on reaction time. 20. What we can conclude from the passage is that . A hands-free cell phones can be less safe B hand-held cell phones can be more dangerous C hand-held cell phones are banned in most of U.S. states D answering cell phones is better than driving while drunk Part III Translation Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. For the sentences you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation. For the paragraph(s), you should write your translation in the blank(s) provided. 21. Unlike the others, she didn’t base her conclusions entirely on the newspaper report. A 与他人不同,她没有完全根据报纸上的报道得出她的结论。 B 与他人不同,她根据报纸上的报道没有得出完整的结论。 C 她不喜欢他人根据报纸上的报道得出完整结论。 D 她不喜欢他人不依据报纸上的报告就做出结论。 22. The impact on the innocent Chinese workers who have been made to pay for others' mistakes has been even more harmful. A 无辜的中国工人被迫为他人的错误做出赔偿,其影响甚至于更加有害。 B 无辜的中国工人被迫为他人的错误做出赔偿,这对他们造成的影响更为有害。 C 迫使无辜的中国工人为他人的错误做出赔偿造成了甚至更为有害的影响。 D 甚至于更为有害的影响是,它迫使无辜的中国工人为他人的错误做出赔偿。 23. All those graduation requirements of colleges and universities are to help you broaden your mind, and to prepare you to live your life to the fullest. A 大学规定那些毕业要求是为了帮助你们开阔视野,并为你们最充分地度过一生做好准备。 B 大学规定那些毕业要求是为了帮助你们开阔视野,为你们准备好最充分地度过一生。 C 大学规定那些毕业要求是为了帮助你们开阔视野,并使你们圆满地准备好生活。 D 那些毕业要求规定大学要帮助你们开阔视野,并使你们准备好最充分地度过一生。 24. It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated. A 这会使你坚定地认识到,你的杰出事业是如此广泛地受到人们的尊敬和赞赏。 B 这会使你进一步坚定信念,因为你的杰出事业如此广泛地受到人们的尊敬和赞赏。 C 知道你的杰出事业是如此广泛地受到人们的尊敬和赞赏会使你进一步坚定信念。 D 当你知道你的杰出事业是如此广泛地受到人们的尊敬和赞赏时,你就会力量倍增。 25. A lot of young people feel stress, particularly those from the middle class, and females more than males. A 很多年轻人感到压力很大,中产阶级的女性比男性的压力还要大。 B 很多年轻人感到压力很大,中产阶级的年轻人尤其如此;女性比男性的压力大。 C 很多年轻人感到压力很大,那些从中产阶级家庭走出来的年轻人尤其如此;女性比男性的压力大。 D 很多年轻人感到压力很大,从中产阶级家庭走出来的女性比男性要多很多。
【多选题】某投资方案投产后年销售收入为 1000 万元,年营业成本为 600 万元(其中折旧为 100 万元),所得税税率为 25% ,则下列说法正确的有
税后营业收入 750 万元
税后营业成本 450 万元
税后付现成本 375 万元
营业现金净流量为 400 万元
【简答题】外板需要局部加强的部位有( )1易产生应力集中处2受振动力处3破浪冲击较大处
【简答题】50 多年前,中法出于对独立自主的追求,冲破冷战坚冰,建立大使级外交关系。这不仅是两个国家、也是两大文明的历史性握手。阅读材料,回答问题。 材料一 法国是第一个同新中国建交的西方大国。时任总统戴高乐指出,中国是一个“非常独特而深厚的文明”。只有中国参与到国际事务中来,才能真正解决亚洲乃至世界长期存在的严重问题。 —— 新华社 2014 年 3 月 24 日讯 材料二 有学者指出:“二战后以美苏为两...
【判断题】、炉顶是开放式鼓风炉的重要组成部分( )
【简答题】50 多 年前,中法出于对独立自主的追求,冲破冷战坚冰,建立大使级外交关系。这不仅是两个国家、也是两大文明的历史性握手。阅读材料,回答问题。 材料一 法国是第一个同新中国建交的西方大国。时任总统戴高乐指出,中国是一个 “非常独特而深厚的文明”。只有中国参与到国际事务中来,才能真正解决亚洲乃至世界长期存在的严重问题。 —— 新华 社 2014 年 3 月 24 日讯 材料二 有学者指出: “二战后以...
【单选题】外板需要局部加强的部位有( )1易产生应力集中处2受振动力处3破浪冲击较大处
【单选题】某企业投资方案A的年营业收入为200万元,付现成本为100万元,年折旧为10万元,无形资产年摊销额为10万元,所得税率为25%,则该项目经营现金净流量为( )。