听力原文: Even the fairest and most impartial newspaper is a medium of propaganda. Every daily newspaper has an editorial page. The opinion is expressed on events and personalities in the news. But editorial judgment is so persuasively presented that many people accept these opinions as facts. Good journalists uphold a code of ethics that distinguishes between news and editorial opinion. This code holds that in an editorial column the publisher is entitled to advocate any cause he chooses. It is understood that there he is speaking as a partisan and may express any view he desires. Because a modem newspaper is so expensive to produce and so costly to establish, newspapers have increasingly become big business organizations. Although there are exceptions, these large newspapers tend to reflect the views of their owners in their editorials on economic and political matters. In the news columns, however, the complete and unbiased facts should be reported. The better metropolitan newspapers and the great press associations usually can be relied on to keep their news impartial. But the less ethical publications often deliberately 'color' the news to favor or oppose certain groups or movements. The author states that no modem newspaper ______.