【简答题】晚登龙门1驿楼 许浑鱼龙多处凿门开,万古人知夏禹材。青嶂远分从地断,洪流高泻自天来。风云有路皆烧尾,波浪无程尽曝腮2。心感膺门3身过此,晚山秋树独徘徊。[注] 1龙门:相传为夏禹治水的重要工程之一。2曝腮:据传,鲤鱼跃过龙门,“即有云雨随之,天火自后烧其尾,乃化为龙矣”。无法跃过者,则“曝鳃点额,血流此水”。 3膺门:东汉李膺礼贤下士,后以“膺门”借指德高望重者的门下。12.下列对...
【简答题】Your luggage is too big,the total of its length,width and height exceeds 160cm.
【简答题】Your luggage is too big,the total of its length,width and height ______________ 160cm.
【简答题】Your luggage is too big and the train is running very fast.
【单选题】Your luggage is too big,the total of its length,width and height ______________ 160cm.
【简答题】Your luggage is too big. Please do not block the passageway.
【简答题】Make up dialogues with your partner according to the following situations: Mr Wang’s luggage is too big to go into the overhead compartment.