【简答题】求下列集合的基数. (1)A={0,2,4,6,…,50);(2)B={x|x∈R并且x 2 +1=0}; (3)S={0,3,6,9,…};(4)T={10,11,12,13,…}.
【多选题】《商品名称及编码协调制度》中的税(品)目所列货品,除完整品或制成品外,还应包括( )。
【单选题】The conversion of two syllable nouns into verbs usually involves a change of _____.
【简答题】注册会计师监盘存货前应当确定存货盘点的范围,以下有关存货盘点的范围的确定正确的有( )。
【判断题】The conversion between nouns and verbs may involve a change of stress.
【单选题】The conversion of two syllable nouns into verbs involves a change of _______.
【简答题】已知集合M是由满足下列性质的函数f(x)的全体所组成的集合:在定义域内存在x 0 ,使得f(x 0 +1)=f(x 0 )+f(1)成立. (1)指出函数f(x)= 1 x 是否属于M,并说明理由; (2)设函数f(x)=lg a x 2 +1 属于M,求实数a的取值范围.
【单选题】The conversion of two-syllable nouns into verbs usually involves a change in _____.