【多选题】Which of the following statements about list poem are TRUE?
The lines and stanzas in a list poem can be any length the writer chooses.
A list poem is characterized by a listing or catalogue of things or ideas that fall into the same category.
The list poem is of the same poetic form as the sonnet.
A list poem, although without using strict schemes of rhythm or rhyme, still provides a strong sense of form, order, and structure.
【单选题】根据上文,回答第 82~84 题。 男性患者,58岁,外出途中突然头痛,眩晕,伴呕吐,走路不稳,查血压24/14KPa,心率62次/分,双眼向右眼震,右侧指鼻久稳准,右侧巴氏征阳性。 第 82 题 最可能的诊断是( )。
【简答题】( 单项选择题 ) 建筑施工企业出借资质证书允许他人以本企业的名义承揽工程,情节严重的,其可能受到的最严重的行政处罚是( )。 A. 吊销资质证书 B. 责令改正,没收违法所得 C. 降低资质等级 D. 处以罚款
【简答题】She read a poem which depicts the splendor of the sunset.( )
【单选题】建筑施工企业出借资质证书允许他人以本企业的名义承揽工程,情节严重的,可能受到的最严重的行政处罚是( )
【简答题】She read a poem which depicts the splendor of the sunset.