【单选题】复杂端盖零件建模操作顺序正确的一项是( )。 1STL模型导入,复杂端盖零件坐标系确定 2绘制孔 3绘制基体部分 4绘制凸台 5绘制腔体 6倒圆角 7建模精度分析 8数据导出
【简答题】Putting in a new window will ________ cutting away part of the roof. A) include B) involve C) contain D) comprise
【简答题】绘制端盖类零件J1-16,用AutoCAD软件绘制完整零件图(图形表达、尺寸标注、公差标注、粗糙度、技术要求、标题栏等)后上传到附件中,请备注“ 班级+学号+姓名+题号+日期 ”共五项。
【判断题】Putting the exhibitors on the show management program can make the show a win-win.
【单选题】Schultz abilit in putting forward original ideas helps him in part to win investment.