【单选题】患者女,66岁。因肺炎住院,既往有慢性 肺源性心脏病病史,输液过程中突然出现呼吸困难、气促、咳嗽、咳出粉红色泡沫样痰。患者发生的情况是
【单选题】患者女,66岁。因肺炎住院,既往有慢性 肺源性心脏病病史,输液过程中突然出现呼吸困难、气促、咳嗽、咳出粉红色泡沫样痰。下列急救措施正确的是
【单选题】The diode circuit is shown in figure. Is the diode in the picture cutoff or on? Uo=( ).
【单选题】某企业生产甲、乙产品共同耗用的燃料费用按定额消耗量比例分配。2014年5月,甲、乙两种产品共同耗用燃料8000元,甲、乙两种产品的定额消耗量分别为300千克和500千克。2014年5月,甲产品应分配的燃料费用为( )元。(2015年)
【单选题】The old lady felt when she stayed in the big houseafter her husband died.A.alone; lonelyB.alone;
61. The old lady felt when she stayed in the big house after her husband died. A.alone; lonely
【单选题】______is a small inexpensive restaurant serving light meals and drinks.A.A hotelB.A cafeC.A cante
61.______is a small inexpensive restaurant serving light meals and drinks. A.A hotel