【简答题】持球突破是持球队员运用 __________ 和 _____________ 快速超越对手的一项攻击性很强的技术。
【判断题】The changes of meaning are caused by both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors.
【简答题】There are two major factors that cause changes in word meaning: ___________ factors and linguistic factors.
【多选题】What do linguistic factors refer to?
【多选题】What do non-linguistic factors refer to ?
volume, speech speed and pronunciation
【判断题】( ) 18. The changes of meaning are caused by both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors.
【简答题】(案例题干)患者男性,18岁。气喘2日,每年春秋季有类似发作,体温36.5℃,端坐呼吸,两肺广泛哮鸣音,白细胞7.6×109/L,N68%,E12%,L20%。患者最可能的诊断是 A.慢性支气管炎 B.支气管哮喘 C.支气管肺炎 D.急性支气管炎 E.急性左心衰 F.肺心病 为明确诊断应进行的检查有 A.尿常规 B.血清免疫球蛋白测定 C.血清特异性IgE的测定 D.过敏原皮肤试验 E.支气管激发...