【多选题】根据支付结算法律制度的规定,下列关于银行汇票使用的表述中,不正确的有 ( ) 。
银行汇票的提示付款期限为自出票日起 1 个月
【单选题】What might be the possible reason for using anold method to construct the building?
【单选题】You be tired after one hour’s walk . please stop to have a rest.
【单选题】You must be tired, ?
【单选题】You be tired after playing sports for a long time without a rest.
【单选题】You must be tired, ________ you?
【单选题】You be tired; you’ve only been working for an hour.
【多选题】在我国,塔的种类很多,从塔的造型看,主要有( )等。