【单选题】将足量AgCl分别放入:①5ml水②10ml0.2 mol·L -1 MgCl 2 溶液③20ml0.5 mol·L -1 NaCl溶液④40ml0.1 mol·L -1 盐酸中溶解至溶液饱和,各溶液Ag + 的浓度分别为a、b、c、d,它们由大到小的排列顺序是
【单选题】AgCl(s)在纯水、0.01mol·L -1 CaCl 2 溶液、0.01mol·L -1 NaCl溶液和0.05mol·L -1 AgNO 3 溶液中的溶解度分别为S 0 、S 1 、S 2 和S 3 ,则( )
【单选题】10 mol·L-1 NaCl 溶液、H2SO4溶液、HAc溶液和蔗糖溶液中,溶液凝固点的高低顺序是( )
【单选题】10 mol·L - 1 NaCl 溶液、 H 2 SO 4 溶液、 HAc 溶液和蔗糖溶液中,溶液蒸气压的高低顺序是 ( )
H 2 SO 4 = NaCl < HAc < 蔗糖
H 2 SO 4 < NaCl < HAc < 蔗糖
H 2 SO 4 > NaCl > HAc > 蔗糖
H 2 SO 4 = NaCl = HAc = 蔗糖
【简答题】下列叙述正确的是( ) A.含1 mol溶质的任何溶液,物质的量浓度一定相等 B.配制1 mol·L -1 NaCl溶液1 L,其方法是:将58.5 g NaCl溶于1 L水中 C.体积相同、物质的量浓度相同的同种溶液所含溶质的粒子数一定相同 D.1 L 0.5 mol·L -1 CaCl 2 溶液中,Ca 2 + 与Cl - 的物质的量浓度都是0.5 mol·L -1
【简答题】A.He can return the books and get the full refund for the first three weeks of the class. B.He can return the books and get a part of the refund at any time. C.He can change the books for his favorite...
【单选题】A) He cannot return the money right now. B) He canreturn the money today. C) He cannot return the money this month. D) Hewants to borrow more money.
He cannot return the money right now.
He canreturn the money today.
He cannot return the money this month.
He wants to borrow more money.