【简答题】Complete the writing profile with the functions.
【简答题】Listen and complete the profile with verbs in the Present or Past .
【简答题】Complete the profile with the missing information. Name: Nigel Watson Occupation: Songwriter, musician Past occupation: (1) , (2) Bands worked with: Fleetwood Mac., Wild Life, Heav...
【简答题】Listen to the radio interview and complete the profile. (每空一个单词) Name: Jason Lee Nationality: Singapore Job: ( 1 ) ________ ( 2 ) ____________ : Arts Unlimited Purposes of organization: give advice t...
【简答题】Listen and complete the profile with verbs in the present or past .
【简答题】Complete the profile with the missing information. Name: Nigel Watson Occupation: Songwriter, musician Past occupation: ________________, ___________________ Bands worked with: F...
【单选题】在新中国成立六十周年之际,中央有关部门组织开展了全国道德模范和“双百”人物(100位为新中国成立作出突出贡献的英雄模范人物和100位新中国成立以来感动中国人物)评选活动,“双百”人物评选活动的开展有利于() ①提高公民的科学文化修养 ②在全社会营造知荣辱、树正气、促和谐的良好风尚 ③弘扬和培育民族精神 ④促进社会主义核心价值体系建设