【单选题】The input impedance of the emitter-follower is relatively ( ), and the output impedance is extremely ( )
【判断题】相对而言,亚临界压力以上的锅炉蒸汽污染的主要原因是蒸汽 直接溶解某些盐类而使蒸汽含盐 。
【简答题】For the following network, d etermine the input impedance, output impedance and the voltage gain.
【单选题】When comparing the common emitter and the common collector amplifiers, the input impedance of the common ( ) is much larger and the output impedance of the common ( ) is much smaller.
【单选题】29【例题·单选题】(2017年)甲砂石企业开采砂石1 000吨,对外销售800吨,移送50吨砂石继续精加工并于当月销售。已知砂石的资源税税率为4元/吨,甲企业应当缴纳的资源税的下列计算中,正确的是( )。
【简答题】For the following network, d etermine the input impedance, output impedance and the voltage gain.
【简答题】患者,男性,58岁,有糖尿病史14年,有吸烟史,近日体检发现肌酐350umol/L,GFR55ml/(min•1.73m 2 ),Hb90g/L,尿蛋白(++),BP165/95mmHg。病人主诉近日来有腰酸、乏力、夜尿增多现象,但未有重视。医生诊断为慢性肾脏病(CKD),糖尿病肾病。