【简答题】请每位同学围绕超敏反应机制、特点、代表性疾病、防治原则等内容,选择合适的方向,撰写一份案例分析题,并完成互评。(出题和评价基本原则:设计科学合理、主题鲜明、用词准确、语言精炼。 不超过 400 字符,请在12月15日18:00 前完成案例编撰, 12 月 27 日前完成相互评价,每人至少完成 3 份作业评价:百分制,60分为及格分。)
【单选题】WRI (World Resources Institute)recently released an analysis showing that there are nearly 1,200 new proposed coal plants worldwide.
a living thing with leaves and roots
【单选题】以下单词中哪个是“妈妈”的意思呢?( )
【单选题】引起汽车空调出风口不冷的常见原因是( )。
【单选题】WRI ( World Resource Institute) recently released an analysis showing that there are nearly 1,200 new proposed coal plants worldwide.
a living thing with leaves and roots
person who joins a group of criminals, conspirations, etc in order to spy on them for others