【简答题】There are many people who believe sincerely that you can train children for life without turning to punishment for help. (resort to)
【简答题】中药饲料添加剂是在我国传统 理论和中药的 理论指导下,在饲料中加入具有益气健脾、消食开胃、补气养血、滋阴生津、镇静安神等扶正驱邪、调节阴阳平衡等作用的中药原料,以动物饲养和饲料工业等现代化科学理论技术而制成纯天然的饲料添加剂。
【简答题】You are sincerely ________ to be present at the gathering.
【简答题】demand require claim request 1.The boss _________ that Mary finish the project before next Monday. 2. You are sincerely ________ to be present at the gathering. 3. Every citizen may _____ the prot...
【简答题】22÷______=h.的5= 22 () =______:右6=______%
【简答题】If you are always late for work, you must (apology) ________ to your manager sincerely.