【简答题】管电压补偿分为( )补偿和( )补偿两种。
【单选题】( )上级主管根据员工工作的整体表现,把员工按照从好到坏的顺序进行排列
【单选题】(10 分 ) 中国古代的文人墨客认为梅花具有不畏强暴、傲然不屈的精神。
In ancient China, men of literature and writing viewed the plum blossom as fearless of violence and unyielding.
In ancient China, men of literature and writing viewed the spirit of the plum blossom as fearless of violence and unyielding.
【单选题】法律的普遍适用性是指法律在本国主权范围内对( )具有普遍的约束力。
In ancient China, men of literature and writing viewed the plum blossom as fearless of violence and unyielding.
In ancient China, men of literature and writing viewed the spirit of the plum blossom as fearless of violence and unyielding.
【单选题】绩效评价中的( )是将员工按工作绩效从好到坏的顺序进行排列,从而得出评价结论的方法。