【判断题】Balanced diet provides not only all the essential nutrients, dietary fiber, and energy, but also the correct proportion of nutrients.
【单选题】Whether young or( )in age, more and more people are eating foods that not only provide nutrients for the body but also guard against the threat of diseases.
【简答题】阅读下面的文字 , 完成 1——3 题。 历史上许多发明家受到缅怀和崇敬,但一个叫米基利的却被称为 “20 世纪最声名狼藉的发明家 ” ,这个评价也许稍欠公允。平心而论,我们今天生活中的不少便利,还得益于米基利的贡献,但人类面临的几项重大环境灾难,却也 ________ 地要归咎于米基利的发明。 1912 年汽车马达点火的发明让用户摆脱了摇把启动的费力和危险,但还有个难题便是气缸运行中经常发生 “...
【单选题】Whether young or in age, more and more people are eating foods that not only provided nutrients for the body but also guard against the threat of diseases.
【判断题】Balanced diet provides not only all the essential nutrients, dietary fiber, and energy, but also the correct proportion of nutrients.