【简答题】They also warn that these countries are among the most _________ to climate change. Alax Bvulnerable Caddictive Dnasty
【简答题】听力原文:When does the shop close on Mondays? When does the shop close on Mondays?
【单选题】According to the text the drug problem for the developing countries is the most serious because______.
they lack necessary fund to curb drug abuse
they are both producing and consuming countries of drugs
they are not efficient in their attempt to combat drug abuse
they have not enlisted support from developed countries
【简答题】看图回答问题。 1. When does Mike usually get up? __________________________________. 2. When does he go to school? __________________________________. 3. When does he have lunch? ____________________________...
【简答题】患者,男,83岁。在无明显诱因情况下出现咳嗽、咳疾加重,伴有发热、夜间呼吸困难等症,入院诊断为社区获得性肺炎,初始采用莫西沙星每次0. 4 g,每日1次静脉滴注射的经验方案进行抗感染治疗。治疗3日后症状略有改善,但第4日感染症状加重,结合入院时进行的疾培养结果:铜绿假单胞杆菌优势生长,改用头孢哌酮一舒巴坦(2 : 1)每次3g,每日2次静脉滴注。继续治疗7日后,感染被有效控制,症状好转。此后改用左...
【单选题】Most of the developing countries are faced with lots of troubles , _____the financial problem is not the worst .
【单选题】患者女,32岁,幼年曾患麻疹.反复咳嗽、咳痰10年,多于晨起及夜间睡眠时咳大量黄痰,此次受凉后咳嗽加重,咳痰增多,为黄绿色痰,伴发热,间断咯血2次,每次量约30ml。查体:T38.2℃,P100次/分,双肺呼吸音粗,双下肺可闻及粗湿啰音,血常规:WBC12×10 9 /L,NEU%:88%。下一步最有效的治疗措施()。