【多选题】托运人负责装箱的货物,从装箱托运交付后至交付收货人之前的期间出现下列( )情况,货物的损坏由托运人负责.
【简答题】股份有限公司监事会每年度至少召开2次会议,监事可以提议召开临时监事会会议。( )
【单选题】铝质和玻璃钢舱盖的特点为( )1重量轻;2耐腐蚀;3制造简单造价低;4目前中小船常用
【判断题】通过信号机设于需要防护的道口、桥梁、隧道的前方,指示列车在危急情况时停车。( )
【判断题】托运人负责装箱的货物,从装箱托运交付后至交付收货人之前的期间,箱体损坏或封志破坏由承运人负责( )
【单选题】监事会每年度至少召开( )次会议,监事可以提议召临时监事会会议。
【单选题】Human needs seem endless. When a hungry man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat, when a manager gets a new sports car, a big house and pleasure boats dance into view. The many needs of m...
he has saved up enough money
he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelter
he has satisfied his hunger
he has learned to build houses
【单选题】[ ]设于需要防护的道口、桥梁、隧道的前方,当有危及安全的情况发生时,指示列车停车。
【简答题】Human needs seem endless. When a hungry man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat, when a manager gets a new sports car, a big house and pleasure boats dance into view. The many needs of m...