【简答题】患者女性,14岁,山西省灵丘县人,因腹部剧烈疼痛入院。询问病史:患者饭前便后常不洗手,近1年来,脐周围间歇性疼痛,饮食欠佳,消瘦。近几天,腹痛加剧,摸到左腹部有一肿物,且2天未大便,数月前大便中发现过蛔虫,但未服过驱虫药。入院时查体:痛苦面容,触及左下腹部有索条物,有压痛。患者应诊断为A、腹膜炎 B、肠炎 C、肠溃疡 D、蛔虫性肠梗阻 E、胆道蛔虫症 下列防治蛔虫感染的措施中不包括A、注意个人卫生...
【单选题】针对下面句子关于style的改写,哪个是正确的?You can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.
This model is suitable for the analysis of the effects of several parameter changes.
You can analyze the effects of several parameter changes using this model.
One can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.
Using this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.
Develop this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.
【单选题】—These Maths problems are too hard to ______. Can you help me? —There are many ways, but the most important is to try your best.
【单选题】个体在心理活动的强度、速度、灵活性和指向性方面稳定的动力特征是:( )
【简答题】(题干)患者女性,14岁,山西省灵丘县人,因腹部剧烈疼痛人院。询问病史:患者饭前便后常不洗手,近1年来,脐周h间歇性疼痛,饮食欠佳,消瘦。近几天,腹痛加剧,摸到左腹部有一肿物,且2天未大便,数月前大便中发现过蛔虫,但未服过驱虫药。入院时查体:痛苦两容,触及左下腹部有索条物,有压痛。患者应诊断为A.腹膜炎 B.肠炎 C.肠溃疡 D.蛔虫性肠梗阻 E.胆道蛔虫症 下列防治蛔虫感染的措施中不包括A.注意...
【简答题】发电机的输出电压受( )的调整,从而保持供电电压恒定。A. 4