【单选题】There are 20 ______ in the school.
【简答题】利用各组分溶解度的不同而分离气体混合物的操作称为 。
【简答题】云计算是一种新型的超级计算方式,以数据为中心,是一种数据密集型的超级计算,在 、 、 等多方面具有自身独特的技术。
【单选题】There are 1 0 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). ( 20 ’ ) 1 . The teacher __________ the dances into several motions.
【简答题】The teacher, rather than the students, __ to answer for the accident. A. are B. is C. were D. be 20. Not only the students but also the head teacher __ there. A. are B. is C. ...
【简答题】There are 20 ________ (woman ,teacher) in this school.
【单选题】海元冰箱生产企业为增值税一般纳税人,2017年4月2日向某商场销售电冰箱100台,开具的增值税专用发票上注明价款170 000元,因商场在10日内付款所以享受含税价款2%的折扣,该冰箱生产企业实际收到货款194 922元;本月购进原材料取得的增值税专用发票上注明增值税税额合计8 190元(已通过税务机关认证)。该冰箱生产企业4月份应缴纳增值税( )元。