【多选题】Which words have the same meaning as "finish"?
【单选题】稳态工况法使在底盘测功机上的测试运转循环由( )工况组成。
【多选题】Which words have the sound [ aɪ ]?
【多选题】Which words have the sound [ ɪ ə ]?
【多选题】Which words have the sound [ ʊə]?
【单选题】Which words have the sound"the"?
【多选题】Which words have the sound [ eɪ ]?
【多选题】Which words have the similar meaning?
【多选题】Which words have the sound [aʊ]?
【简答题】读某国工业化、城市化进程比较图,回答1~2题。 1、关于该国工业化、城市化进程特点的叙述,正确的是 [ ] A、城市化与工业化呈同步增长趋势 B、阶段Ⅰ工业化进程速度比城市化快 C、该国可能属于发展中国家 D、阶段Ⅱ工业化促进了城市化发展 2、阶段Ⅲ,该国第二产业新增就业机会主要来自 [ ] A、技术导向型产业 B、动力导向型产业 C、劳动力导向型产业 D、原料导向型产业