【单选题】凭证类条据具有法律效力,不可随便乱写。下列不属凭证类条据的是( )
【判断题】I f the parties to a dispute have agreed to the application of the law of a particular country,then the court should determine for itself which law it should apply .
【单选题】凭证类条据具有法律效力,不可随便乱写。下列不属于凭证类条据的是( )
【判断题】I f the parties to a dispute have agreed to the application of the law of a particular country,then the court should apply that law .
【单选题】对于一定量的理想气体,下列可能的过程是( ) (1) 气体经某一绝热过程而温度不变 (2) 气体经某一绝热过程而温度升高 (3) 气体经某一吸热过程而温度下降 (4) 气体经某一放热过程而温度升高