【单选题】女,18岁,左膝肿痛2个月,无发热,浮髌试验(+),化验:末梢血白细胞10×10/L,中性粒细胞56%,血沉120mm/h,3年前有肺结核史,局部治疗应选择用( )
【单选题】水准测量时,由于扶尺者向前或向后倾斜,使得读数( )。
【单选题】患者女,18岁。左膝肿痛2个月,无发热,浮髌试验(+)。化验:末梢血白细胞10.0 x 109/L,N 56%。血沉120mm/h,既往3年前有肺结核史。局部治疗应选择用()
【判断题】It is advisable to include the summary in the beginning and repeat the summary all through in case the audience would miss the points.
【单选题】患者,女性,18岁,左膝肿痛2个月,无发热,浮髌试验(+),化验:末梢血白细胞10×10 9 /L,N56%,血沉120mm/h,3年前有肺结核史,局部治疗应选用()。
【判断题】In the beginning all was empty, silent, endless and darkness.
【判断题】It is advisable to include the summary in the beginning and repeat the summary all through in case the audience would miss the points.