Learner Activity 10 Insert the correct meeting terminology in each of the blank spaces below. Word List proxy formal abstain Chairperson’s Informal motion Agenda quorum minutes amendment seconder Meetings can be or depending on their structure and purpose. It is the role to control the meeting and to ensure that discussion follows the items listed on the . A must be present before a meeting can proceed. When a formal proposal is put to the meeting, it is called a . It requires a mover and If anyone wants to make changes to this formal proposal, it is called an . This must be voted on before the original proposal. If a member isn’t going to be present at a meeting but wants to vote on a decision to be made, they may give their to another member. If they choose not to vote, it is said they . The secretary, note-taker or administrative support officer ensures that a formal account of what occurred at a meeting is recorded in the .