【简答题】I went to the cinema yesterday.
【单选题】What does the following practise? ※Peer and I went to the cinema yesterday. Peter and ※I went to the cinema yesterday. Peer and I went to the ※cinema yesterday. Peer and I went to the cinema ※yesterda...
【单选题】What does the following practice? * Peer and I went to the cinema yesterday. Peter and * I went to the cinema yesterday. Peer and I Went to the * cinema yesterday. Peer and I Went to the cinema * yest...
【单选题】What do the following sentences practice? Peter and I went to the cinema yesterday. Peter and I went to the cinema yesterday. Peter and I went to the cinema yesterday. Peter and I went to the cinema y...
【判断题】I went to the cinema myself.
【单选题】下列哪个统计函数的作用是获取指定字段所有记录的总和( )。
【简答题】某金属热水管段如下图所示。已知:管道线膨胀系数a=0.02mm/(m·°C),计算温差(管道内热水最高温度t2与安装管道时周围的空气温度t1的差)为 t=t2—t1=50°C,伸缩节的轴向伸长量 L1≤30mm,管道弯头两端自然补偿长度 ≤ lOmm, 若考虑充分利用弯头的自然补偿量,该管段的伸缩节数量n至少应为以下何值?【2006-4-24】 (A)3 (B)2 (C)4 (D)1 将正确答案选...